3 Measures You Can Take to Ease Construction Material Recycling


People who are planning to build new homes can take several steps to assist the drive to recycle construction and demolition materials. This article discusses some of the measures that your new homebuilder can implement in order to make it easy to recycle construction and demolition materials. Leaner Construction You should select a house design that encourages the builder to use fewer materials during the construction project. For instance, the home can have inner walls that are thinner than the walls of homes built before awareness about material recycling became widespread.

11 January 2017

Why Stainless Steel May Be a Better Fire Liner in Your Chimney


Many homes with chimneys have fire liners (flue liners) made from clay or stainless steel. Which of these materials provides better protection against chimney fires? Read on and discover why stainless steel may be better at preventing chimney fires when compared to terracotta (clay) flue liners. Susceptibility to Thermal Shock Clay fire liners can easily crack once they are unable to expand quickly in response to the rapid heating of the chimney.

30 August 2016

Related services offered by damage contractors that you need to know about


Building demolition has always been done to create room for new construction. It is part of growth and signifies sprouting economic activity. It is advisable to contract an expert in building demolition like Dig Dig Pty Ltd rather than doing it on your own. Not only will you need permits, but you will also expose yourself to risks. Before demolition contractors get to work, they check for possible risk factors. They also assess the grounds to determine if the buildings near the demolition site will be affected or exposed to hazardous elements.

23 October 2015